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<span lang="ar-sa">اسمح لي بأن أحييك .. وأرحب بك
فكم يسرنا ويسعدنا انضمامك لعائلتنا المتواضعة </span>
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<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="http://cs.al-sharq.com/Gallery_Videos/UserArticles/Images/2013/7/10/34465.jpg" width="50" height="50">
<img border="0" src="http://up.graaam.com/img/65c1047b23b8b62c9ae996d315827fe3.jpg" width="75" height="33">
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<a href="" onClick="closebar(); return false"><img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/558380_524769920876465_992563675_n.png" border="1" /></a>
<span lang="ar-sa">اسمح لي بأن أحييك .. وأرحب بك
فكم يسرنا ويسعدنا انضمامك لعائلتنا المتواضعة </span>
. للتسجيل الرجاء اضغط <a href=http://dzmch.fanbb.net/register
"><font color="#FF0000">هنـا</font></a> أو <a href="http://dzmch.fanbb.net/registermode=register
"><font color="#FF0000">هنـا</font></a>
مــنـتــديات يــومــيات ســراق الــمــشمــاش
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مــنـتــديات يــومــيات ســراق الــمــشمــاش

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 First Term English Test

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
hafid deradji
عضو مشارك
عضو مشارك
hafid deradji

First Term English Test  Wrestl10
First Term English Test  3dflag11
عدد المساهمات : 28
نقاط : 9138
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/12/2011
العمر : 25
المزاج متفائل

First Term English Test  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: First Term English Test    First Term English Test  Icon_minitimeالأربعاء ديسمبر 28, 2011 1:24 am

Democratic and
Popular Republic
of Algeria

Ministry of

Level: 03 AM

First Term English Test

Timing: 1 hour


I don't like doctors, nurses, hospitals and medicines. I hate
injections. Last November, early in the morning. when I woke up, I had
stomach-ache. My mother heard me and hurried into my room. She saw me in a
very bad condition. My father drove me to the hospital. When we arrived
there, a doctor examined me. He injected me and the pain decreased. Father
bought the medicines and I had to stay in bed for three days.

: ( 14 pts

Section One: Reading
Comprehension ( 07 pts )

A ) Read the text and answer the questions
( 03 Pts)

1- When did the boy feel ill ?

2- Did he call his parents ?

3- Who examined him?

B ) Are these
statements true or false ? Correct the wrong ones. ( 02 pts )

1- His mother took him to the hospital.

2- He had a headache .

C ) Lexis
( 02 pts )

1- Find in the text words that are
closest in meaning to :

began = …………….. love =

2- Find in the text words that are
opposite in meaning to :

next ≠ ………………
good ≠ ………………

Section Two: Mastery of
Language ( 07 Pts )

A ) Reorder the following words alphabetically. ( 02 pts )

pain – doctor – bought – drove

B ) Write the correct the forms of the verbs in
brackets. ( 03 pts )

Last Monday, I ( to arrive ) late to school .

My father often ( to take ) medicines .

He ( not to like ) doctors .

C ) Classify these verbs according to the
pronunciation of their final ( d ) ( 02 pts )

examined – arrived – injected –

/ d /

/ t /

/ id /

: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts )

Complete the dialogue between
the doctor and the patient

Doctor : Good morning,
sir. What's the matter ?

Doctor : ………………………………

Patient : Good
morning, I have a pain in my stomach.

Patient : I ate fish
last night.

Doctor : ………………………………

Doctor : ………………………………

Patient : Yes, it is
the first time I have this pain.

Patient : No, I didn't
have any medicine


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مــنـتــديات يــومــيات ســراق الــمــشمــاش :: التعليم المتوسط :: English Language :: 3AM-
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